Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tynan "The Dark One"

SOMEONE thought it would be a good idea to get another dog to keep Fergus company and give him someone else to jump on and chew besides us. Well, after much debate and cajoling, enter Tynan. Same kennel and same breed. Not brothers but kennel-mates. He is smaller than Fergus and calmer. Fergus wears him out as much as he wore us out. Like having another baby, it is much more than twice as much work. For all his energy, Fergus is a quick study with house training and basic commands. Tynan, bless his heart, is sslloooooww on the pickup. After six months he seems to have the basics down. Nothing fancy mind you, just the basics. Fergus has been a patient mentor but seems to be holding back less these days. It gets rough sometimes. Long story short, they are a lot of fun and companionship for us as well as each other. The imagined goals have been, for the most part, met in reality.


will said...

It will be awesome to see the little dudes again, but nicer to see you and Ann.

David and Kris Taylor said...

The boys are very cute and you and Ann are very handsome.


AnneMarie said...

How fun! They are cute little boys.

Maren said...

I am so excited to see Ann and your "boys" in July! I love their by the way!

millie said...

Handsome couple and handsome puppies.

Sorry about the influence I had on the second dog idea.

Tynan is a gem though.

Maren said...

Just read my Ann and your "boys"...I love their NAMES...